December 2016
In December we moved to our own property and office in Port St Mary. The new address is now : 1 Four Roads, Port St. Mary IM9 5LQ. Our phone and fax numbers remain the same.
May 2013
We started the strategic partnership with MTS Poland. We are now able to provide a Technical Support Service sending Engineers, Technicians and certified welders to ships supporting the ships crew for all technical works, repairs and maintenance.
January 2013
We are pleased to announce, that from the 01st January 2013, we moved to a new office:
13 Peel Road, Douglas IM1 4LR, Isle of Man
We have moved - but just around the corner!
The new office is bigger and we will enjoy south facing and sunny views over the hills of Douglas Head, big windows, very light rooms and we are still
conveniently close to the city centre.
We occupy the entire second and third floor, which will improve the communication between departments. Our phone lines, fax and other communication details will remain unchanged.
Sea Alliance shipping jobs on Portal Mare for Germany
January 2013
In 2012 we had nearly 2.0 Mio visitors on Portal Mare!
Sea Alliance is advertising now all our new jobs on the new global Maritime Job Portal Portalmare.
Portalmare is a global Job-Portal for the maritime industry in Germany. Seafarers can place their availability on Portalmare for free. Employers can offer their jobs for a low fee and advertise their company at the same time. Registered users will be alerted about new jobs or applications by E-mail or directly on their mobile phone. Portalmare is accessible at anytime and anywhere in the world on the internet.
Link to Portalmare:
Cooperation with geest & nocker
August 2011
Sea Alliance has started a cooperation with "geest & nocker" in Germany. The company
"geest & nocker personalberatung und unternehmensentwicklung gmbh" is based in Unna, Germany. Mr Nocker is the Managing Director with extensive experience in Shipping. They are specialized in sourcing top management candidates for shipping companies and other medium and large size organisations.
Sea Alliance introduced CrewManager.Net
March 2010
We have further strengthened our services by introducing our new crew-data software CrewManager.Net. The state of the art software was developed by Seagull from Norway. It is widely used in shipping and Shipmanagement companies.
The software is accessible by all our offices and our clients. It is showing all data, documentation and information about the crew on board our ships. Documents such as passport, certificates of competence, Seamansbook etc. are stored as scanned color images. Our clients are able to see all these information in real time. They can use the software for audits to show their access to crew data at any time.
Sea Alliance operates the software strictly under the latest EU data protection act.